So You Think You Need A Super Bowl Ad?

What if we told you that you could reach far more potential customers than you can reach with a Super Bowl ad for less money by going all digital. Emotionally, you’ll probably disagree even though your analytical side knows we’re right. Visible Measures found that the online video viewership of the 2014 Super Bowl was 5x larger than the TV audience …

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Dennis CrowleyComment
Copycat Strategy

Like most of you, it is nearly impossible for us to escape the onslaught of fast-food commercials on television.  A few weeks ago, for no particular reason, a Burger King commercial caught our attention.  The focus of the commercial was to promote the relatively new Big King.  It looked and sounded almost exactly the same as …

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Positioning Migration

Last year we met with hundreds of brand managers and market researchers to discuss brand positioning and one of the most common questions was “what do you think of repositioning?”  A lot of electronic and traditional ink has been spent on this topic, but since the question keeps coming up …

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Why You May Choose Dos Equis® This Holiday

As busy marketers, we often quickly define our competitive set as the products or services that fall in our product's class. If you have been reading our Positioning Tips you already know to look outside of the products that are explicitly in the class to determine those that are part of the consideration set for your customers.

Generally, there are two approaches to identifying the competitive frame …

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Avis Stops Trying Harder

In 1962, Avis CEO Robert Townsend was desperate to find a way to make his ailing company profitable. The story goes that he spoke to employees to try and figure out how to “right the ship” and with the help of their ad agency, DDB, they penned the now famous and iconic tagline “We try harder”. At the time, it’s pretty certain that neither Townsend, DDB, nor Paula Green …

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Perceptual Extension

As we began thinking about the content for this tip we were looking to address the differences between a strongly positioned brand such as Dove Soap and one such as Apple.  We can all identify the perceptions that these two brands hold with their customers, but we also recognize that each exists on a different plane …

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A Purposeful Brand

If you are a marketer or brand manager, the idea of purposefully creating a brand probably seems obvious. An intuitive, almost second nature function required to successfully compete in today's environment. However, for every Intel and Lexus with a well crafted and executed brand strategy, there are dozens of brands that have developed deep connections with customers accidently …

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